© Ostseefjord Schlei GmbH/Yorbiter

Come and visit us at Schlei and Baltic Sea

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© Ostseefjord Schlei GmbH/Sinnlicht Fotografie

Welcome to our beautiful landscape at Schlei and Ostsee

Have you ever visited the beautiful landscape between Schlei and Baltic Sea? The spot is one of the most romantic areas in Northern Germany. Being a 42-kilometres-long arm oft he Baltic Sea, the Schlei separates Schwansen peninsula from the German mainland, hereby creating a wonderfully meandering shoreline. Most of this idyllic region is part of the natural preserve „Naturpark Schlei“ and hence is the best place for visitors that come to relax and enjoy its beautiful nature.

Certified as first sustainable destination in the county of Schleswig-Holstein in 2018, the „Ostseefjord Schlei“, as it is called in German, offers tourists vast opportunities to discover lonely little Schlei beaches and experience the Baltic Sea’s power from the top of your board. Wether it's cycling, hiking, spending time on and in the water or just hanging out enjoying the nature, the area around Schlei and Baltic Sea offers something for every taste.

So if you’ve never been here before, check out your schedule and come by! And don’t forget to bring your hiking boots, swimsuit and your loved ones…

Facts and figures about our destination

42 km

to sail from Schleimünde to Schleswig


certified sustainable destination in Schleswig-Holstein

5 regions

form our destination

28 beaches

and swimming spots

>30 businesses

partnered with us to be our sustainability-partners

2 lighthouses

show you your way to us

75 cmt.

partnered to form this destination

4 ferries

and bridges help you cross the Schlei

Regions and cities at Schlei and Baltic Sea


© Ostseefjord Schlei GmbH/Yorbiter Aerial Footage

Geltinger Bucht

© Ostseefjord Schlei GmbH/One part of life photography

Port Kappeln

© Ostseefjord Schlei GmbH/Yorbiter

Schlei villages

© Ostseefjord Schlei GmbH/Henrik Matzen

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